
Amsterdam, Chinese fodd, and the Red Light District...

Well, I made it to Amsterdam-- and acquired a number of new friends alond the way:

~ Alexandre, the beautiful Brazillian
~ Jack, the dark Englishman off to pick grapes in France
~ James, the Super-Rasta
~Tommy, the chivalrous and gentlemanly Chinese-Brit, with a few weeks off to do...whatever
~ Ugo, the French student with an appetite for Amsterdam and a love of Europe in it's entirity
~ Tandiwe, the elegant German student, also friends with Ugo, and an avid user of Couchsurfing.com
~Murphy, the feline owner of Hostel Tamara, and Taz the wonderful man who runs it for him, while simultaniously spouting amazing impersonations and history of every ethnicity and country of the world...

...It is so expensive here. I have a cold. My throat hurts. I miss home. I was feeling horrid after the bus ride-- I thought Greyhound was bad back at home, but people here are just plain rude, and shove each other and yell at and criticize the driver...we could not get any sleep... I really needed sleep.

However, after a shower, and a drink (kindly bought for me by Jack) and a walk around the canals with Tandiwe and Ugo, I am feeling much more at ease...

Amsterdam, no one I think can deny, is quite amazing, but at this point it looks as though I may be doomed to see the entirity at night, as I fell straight asleep once the hostel rooms were opened and a hot shower was mine.

The boys were quite gentlemanly: Alex had a reservation at the Flying Pig Hostle, but they were all filled, so the boys wandered around with me until we could find something we could all afford to stay at (I was the one with the super-low budget). At one point they even offered to pitch in a few Euros each to help, but we ended up at the Hostel Tamara, a wonderful little place. It was 20 Euro for the night, and did not include breakfast (still way more than I can really afford to spend) but I made the exception, because I knew that to camp out tonight in the health and state I was in when arriving would be a certain trip to the hospital, so I went to the bank and did what must be done.

Later in the evening, sitting on the canal while Ugo partook in the specialties of Amsterdam, and Tandi slowly enjoyed her hand-rolled cigarettes, I realised I had not eaten almost anything today. We ended up in Chinatown, and thinking back to a friends words on the best food to get when you are Vagabonding it on the road, I had a feeling that Chinese soup or noodles would be the only way to avoid spending more 3 or 4 Euros. And it was; we found a take-away shortly and my throat got what it needed, while my stomach was put at ease.

Jack thinks I should follow him down to Marseille where it is warmer to pick olives and grapes and earn a few Euros, (he is on a similar budget to myself) but I feel hesitant to do anything involving money that could be considered illegal. However warmth is sounding nicer, as my funds are quickly being spent and my health is not it's best...

Tandi says that I should become friends with the couchsurfing website, and Ugo thinks I should stay in Amsterdam longer to get a better feel for the city...my pocket doesn't agree, but my desires wish to saty, just for one day more...we shall see what we shall see... Unfortunately I tripped on a part of the street they were mending today, and fell hard on my body...and my camera. I will mend, my camera will not. Perhaps it is just as well...

I must remember to take my time...as it is, I am missing home, but slowly waking up...

Until we speak again,
~ Vieve

1 comment:

JHodgesphotography@gmail.com said...

You sure are moving fast! Is it what you expected, or better, or disappointing? What do you think? Are you still glad you went?
