

Well, at this point I'm not sure what to do... The festivities of last night left us all sleeping in til all hours today; now the girls are going out, dressed to the 9's and reminding me of my days in Seattle when I used to go to the club with the boys, but their adventures are far too steep for my purse. I think, perhaps, I am a bit scared to go out too: I'll actually have to talk to people. Well, not have to, but spending £5 to go to the pub and sit there reading my book isn't the most exciting idea in the world. I wonder, though, why I feel I HAVE to g out and have the Euro-experience. I think if I have even 1 Guiness right now, I'll fall pat asleep. So, maybe a quiet night of a cup of tea somewheres and a few chapters of Game of Thrones could be just what I need. I don#t want to be out all night partying anyways, as I intend to rise early tomorrow, strap on my bags, and see the city (like I was planning on doing today, before we all had our fun last night, til 5 in the morning.

Apparently I eat meat again-- I'm not pleased about it, but in England it's a bit hard to get around it, it seems. And I don't want my hosts going to any more trouble than they already are for me. And Donna was right-- Irish sausages really do taste different. And their steak sauce here tastes a bit like Teryaki mixed with Worcestershire...good though.

When I look into the mirror, I can't help but notice, I think I'm starting to look like my Mother...it's the cheek bones. You can actually see them which means I must be losing weight, although I don't know how that possible with the amounts and kinds of amazing food everyone has been feeding me since I left home.

It's only my second day abroad, but the loneliness has settled in already...perhaps that's why i don't feel like leaving my room. I love all the accents here; I love listening to the way people speak...but there was a moment in the morning when I suddenly realized that I couldn't hear a voice that spoke like me...and I became frantic to hear it, for a second...I've already picked up some sort of British/Irish mix to my pronunciation; afraid to be an American, or just adapting to my surroundings; making others feel at ease...or myself. It's not on purpose. It just happens.

I am here. I am in Europe. What am I doing here?

...guess I'll have to find out. Guess I should go have a drink...and read my book. Guess I should go for a walk...


Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with going out somewhere to read a book.


Anonymous said...


Why are you there????

You are there to figure that out.

"life is none of your business. Suit up. Show up.And more will be revealed..."

Love you Gen. And thanks for the call!!! It meant so much!

Kisses and blessings!
