

"Voyaging belongs to seamen, and to the wanderers of the world who cannot, or will not, fit in. If you are contemplating a voyage and you have the means, abandon the venture until your fortunes change. Only then will you know what the sea is all about.”
~ Colonel Sterling Hayden

Money. Well. My Father and I are at odd's again. This is no surprise, but frustrating, as I will be leaving Portland in 12 days. He wants control of my finances. So do I. He wants to be able to monitor everything in my account every month. So would I. He 'was going to give me $1,000+' which he will not now, because I expressed the desire to keep my money in my own account. He doesn't realise that I do not want his money. I'm not stupid. The tiny sum I have managed to save up will not go very far, especially in Europe. I am all too aware of this. But I also have faith in myself. I have contacted someone on the http://www.helpx.net/ website today, and have a number of other people I will contact when my plans firm up a bit. I have friends - or rather, my friend's cousin to stay with when I arrive in London, and 2 more of her relatives/friends who I will be meeting there.

...You see, I am not stupid. I know the dangers of having nothing to eat. I also have faith in myself and the world. I am not afraid to work - in fact I delight in the opportunity. And the one time I was happiest in my life were the few months that I was staying on a friends couch and could afford nothing more to eat than a tortilla and 1/2 a can of beans 2x a day; but you see I was dancing, and that was food enough for me...

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