Journeys abound & I begin again.
It has been so long since I have written here – years in fact. And so much more than so much…has happened since last we spoke. Here.
I have never been a girl to do things the easy way: I must never do one thing when I can do twenty, and so (as some of you may know) I have two blogs now…Yes, two: one for my general writings, ramblings, midnight thoughts, bad poetry & hopeful musings on the world & life, both in general & particular.
The other…is this one. Which I have neglected for far too long.
I began this blog (again, as many of you may know) to document the fascinating & comical happenings in my travels & adventures around the world. But my world ‘adventures,’ I thought, had ended. Paused, prematurely.
I realized today, that is not so. When I began this & sought to travel, I was desperately seeking an awakening; food for the fire that burns bright in the soul & makes life worth living…
I thought there was only one kind of journey: to leave it all behind, forsake friends, family & ordinary life, as we know it, for the open road, hardships, chances….foreign lands, foreign beds, foreign words & foreign companies...
And one could not return to ‘life’ as we knew it.
Well…for me, that was wrong. I came back to America, but I have not returned to a life so ordinary… I want to learn everything. Everything I can. I want to BE everything & everyone I can. I want to see, feel, hear….well, you get where I’m going with this. And so, my life is now purposefully peppered with all sorts of adventure, learning, exploring & trying to stay alive.
I live in San Francisco now. (Well, the Bay Area, for the time being). But I intend to travel, as much & as often as I can. I have goals & places in mind. I dream of many particulars…but in the meantime, my semi-smaller adventures will be the matter of my postings here.
Follow if you choose. :) And open roads, with open arms & open minds to all of you. May something magical & scandalous happen to you all, today or soon.
~ The Whistler
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