
Welcome Back, Ol' Friend...

"....there are too many people in the world who tell you to 'find your bliss,'
and in the same breath tell you that you can only have one.
I want to dance until my feet cannot hold me. But I also want everything.
And I don't see why I shouldn't have it...""

...Oh, my. When you begin by quoting yourself, you are either amazingly arrogant...or in trouble. I would say I am hoping for the latter...but than I would be hoping for trouble.

...(Perhaps I am hoping for a good sort of trouble). :)

It has been exactly a year since I have written.

I did not know that until I looked up just now. Seems appropriate.

It is, then, more than a year since my travels ended. And here I am, in Portland, again. So much has happened since I tried to leave the country and run away.

It was, indeed, a running away of sorts. I wanted it to last much longer; wanted to be like all the heroines and heroes in the books I read; to take up my penny whistle, a sack, some shoes, and just walk...singing all the way "Heigh-ho! Nobody home..." But I wasn't. I didn't so much as play a note, though I DID sing to myself often when I was afraid.

To seek an adventure is one thing; to be taken in, lustily, by the call of the open road... To run from what you do not want is quite another matter. It will surprise you wherever you land; by sea, land, or sky, it makes no matter: wherever you go, there you are.

And you cannot run from yourself.

**Forgive me if this is a bit self-indulgent or philosophical tea-house of me: the hour is late (or early, rather) and I tend to lean towards an almost drunken state when I become this tired, so forgive me. I am sure you will.**

In any case, here I am. A year later, drawn to the computer.

I am filled again with questions.

(Usually when I have questions, the answers cannot simply be found or sought, because the answers are already in my head...or other various extremities. But I do not know them, until I begin to speak).

So here I am...writing again. A step away from actual speech, but hopefully helpful, nonetheless.

So much has happened, internally as well as ex...

...and so, I begin again. The questions before me now lie with the direction I choose to take...

But for now, it is time to sleep.

Until the morrow...

~ Genevieve